Tag: Call for papers

  • 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances

    Una conferenza dove scambiare conoscenze ed esperienze sui temi dell’istruzione superiore

  • Call for papers – A proposito di identità

    Call for papers – A proposito di identità. Contributi per una riflessione. Invito a presentare contributi per il numero speciale di Ragion Pratica (2, 2015): A PROPOSITO DI IDENTITÀ. Contributi per una riflessione (a cura di Susanna Pozzolo e Annalisa Verza) Il secondo numero del 2015 della rivista Ragion Pratica verrà dedicato al tema dell’identità.…

  • Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy

    Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association University of Roehampton 24-26 June 2015 The tenth international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy, will be hosted by the School of Education, the Centre for Educational Research in Equalities, Policy and Pedagogy (CEREPP) and the Paulo…

  • Kate Millet: call for papers

    An Interdisciplinary Conference on Kate Millett 30 May 2014. School of Arts Birkbeck, University of London Millett became an iconic figure of second wave feminism after the publication of Sexual Politics in 1970. As one of the first pieces of academic feminism to come out of the American academy, Sexual Politics was a handbook of the Women’s Liberation Movement.…

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