A Coruña- Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (SPAIN), July 4-8, 2016

The idea of the summer school is to encourage a conversation among scholars who are working on questions of Transnationalism using a Gender and/or Race perspective. We would like to explore the intersectionality between these two forms of oppression and its relation to transnational migration. How does sexism and racism articulate the experience of transnational migrants? What are the complex relationships between minorities and immigrants in terms of gender and racial discrimination? What are the empirical and theoretical insights gained by an analysis that emphasizes on the “intersectionality” between gender and race? What empirical agenda can be developed out of these questions?
Affiliated Faculty Members Include: Nina Glick Schiller, Ruthie W. Gilmore, Peggy Levit, Ramón Grosfoguel, Eleonore Kofman, Laura Oso, Raquel Martínez-Buján, Beatriz Padilla, Bridget Anderson, Antía Pérez-Caramés
More information: http://www.dialogoglobal.com/lacoruna/