Gender and Religions

Vol 5, No 10 (2016): Gender and Religions: Freedom, Identity, and Limits

Table of Contents


Gender and Religions: Freedom, Identity, and Limits
Orsetta Giolo, Laura Scudieri

Thematic Articles

Religion, Virtue, Education in the Pedagogical Writings of Mary Wollstonecraft
Serena Vantin
The Image of God: on Eiesland and Creamer’s Contribution(s) to the Relationship among Disability, Christianity and Limit
Maria Giulia Bernardini
Beyond God the Father: Goddess Spirituality as a New Form of Empowerment for Women?
Erika Bernacchi
A Year of Conflict – The “War on Gender Ideology” discourse of the Polish Catholic Church, and the Liberal Backlash
Marcin Sroczynski
Nature in the Encyclical Letter Laudato si’: Gender and Ecology
Silvia Rodeschini
Eros, Sodom, Zion
Federico D’Agostino
Culture, Gender, and Traditional Authority: A Sociological Approach on Power Relations in Middle Eastern Churches
Heidemarie Winkel
Liberal Paradoxes: Women’s Body, Religious Expression, and Gender Equality in a Secular Age
Giorgia Baldi
Abaya and Yoga Pants: Women’s Activism in Kuwait
Emanuela Buscemi
Islam, Gender and Transnational Belongings: Narratives of Young Muslim Women of Egyptian Origin in Italy
Renata Pepicelli


Cristianesimo, genere e mutamento sociale. Una prospettiva femminista cattolica
Teresa Forcades, Laura Scudieri
A proposito di gender
Letizia Tomassone

Open Section

The Case of Children Born out of Wedlock in Turkey: an “Empty” Category?
Funda Ustek Spilda, Oguz Alyanak
Feminist Critique of the Italian Legislation on Gender Related Violence
Sara Cagliero, Barbara Biglia
Gender Order and Compulsory Heteronormativity: a Theoretical Contribution of the Queer Political Economy
Gabriella Paulì

Round Table

Debating ‘surrogacy’ or or Pregnancy for others. A first round of opinions
Susanna Pozzolo, Antonia Durán Ayago, Anita König, Barbara Katz Rothman, Pilar Benavente Moreda, Susanne L. Goessl, Sophie Dannecker, Laura Nuño Gómez, Cinzia Piciocchi, Judit Zeller


Lina Merlin
Giuliana Franchini


La teoria del gender, i “negazionisti” e la fine della differenza sessuale: Gli/le intellettuali di fronte alla rinnovata egemonia della Chiesa cattolica in Italia
Lorenzo Bernini

Work in Progress

La percezione e l’autorappresentazione delle detenute
Federica Giuliotti


C. Rinaldi, Sesso, sé e società. Per una sociologia delle sessualità, Mondadori, Milano, 2016, pp. 340
Giuseppe Burgio
I. Bussoni e R. Perna (a cura di), Il Gesto Femminista. La rivolta delle donne: nel corpo, nel lavoro, nell’arte, Derive Approdi, Roma, 2014, pp. 167
Caterina Peroni
C. Barnao, Le prostitute vi precederanno. Inchiesta sul sesso a pagamento. Il Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2016, pp. 148
Ignazia Maria Bartholini
V. Ribeiro Corossacz, Bianchezza e mascolinità in Brasile. Etnografia di un soggetto dominante, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2015, pp. 153
Cirus Rinaldi
F. Zappino (a cura di), Il genere tra neoliberismo e neofondamentalismo, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2016, pp. 207 P
Ilenia Caleo

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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