Trans staff and students in higher education

Trans staff and students in higher education

Il Gender Equality Index italiano e’ pari a 40,9. La media europea e’ 54,0. Svezia e Danimarca sono a 74,3 e 73,6. Ma senza cercare confronti con gli estremi, ecco un esempio relativo al Regno Unito, che tutto sommato ha un indice di “solo” 60.4. (fonte Gender Equality Index Report, EIGE 2013). Si tratta di un documento risalente al mese di maggio 2010 che può aiutarci a capire l’abisso che ci sta separando da altri “mondi”

This guidance for higher education institutions covers issues relating to trans staff and students. It will help institutions to meet their legal responsibilities, ensure their policies and procedures better meet the needs of trans people, and most importantly, provide effective support to staff and students during transition.

This practical resource is a must for staff who are supporting a trans colleague or student, and can also be used to increase awareness of gender identity issues. It should also inform the development of institutional policies and processes to support, and combat discrimination against, trans staff and students.

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