• Home, Housing and Communities: Foundations for Inclusive Society

    Home, Housing and Communities: Foundations for Inclusive Society Edited by Isobel Anderson, Vikki McCall and Joe Finnerty Deadline for Abstracts: 15 September 2019 | Deadline for Articles: 15 January 2019 Social Inclusion, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) and Scopus (2019 Temporary CiteScore: 1.02), is preparing an issue on…

  • Travail et Migrations internationales

    Ouverture des inscriptions à la troisième édition de l’Université d’été pluridisciplinaire et internationale sur le Travail et les Migrations internationales qui se tiendra du 1 au 5 juillet 2019, à Bordeaux https://utravail2019.sciencesconf.org/ Le programme est composé d’activités scientifiques en journée et d’activités culturelles, organisées par des doctorants en soirée. La langue de travail sera le…

  • Over 50 and MOOC

    What do we know of people over50 attending MOOCs? For example, that they may use MOOCs as part of a constellation of cultural experiences If you are interested in knowing more about adults attending MOOCs, you will discover that there is still little research on this specific group, representing a minority of the users. New…

  • Gender Equality in Academia

    Gender Equality in Academia: Comparative Perspectives From Feminist Institutionalism Abstract: New Institutionalism (NI) explores how institutional rules, norms, and cultures constrain the choices and actions of individuals when they are part of an institution. Feminist Institutionalism (FI) applies NI through a gendered lens, starting from the premise that institutions are highly gendered, and considers how…

  • Women’s Leadership and Industry

    Questions for 2nd panel discussion for EDGE Women’s Leadership development programme Trinity College Dublin, 13th March 2019 Q: How would you describe women’s leadership? Rita Bencivenga: Leadership is a very simple concept. It’s the action of leading a group of people or an organisation to obtain well-defined and measurable results. And the results are the most…

  • Women’s Leadership and Industry

    Panel discussion on Women’s Leadership and Industry organised by EDGE Marie Curie Co-fund Women’s Leadership Development Programme 2019 Wednesday 13th March 2019 LCR O’Reilly Building Trinity College Dublin

  • Gender-based Violence in Higher Education

    Call  for Abstracts Gender-based Violence in Higher Education International Workshop to Connect Ongoing Research May 8-9, 2019 at GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany The workshop provides a platform for scientific exchange on various aspects relating to the study of gender-based violence (GBV) in universities and research institutions in Europe, including sexualized violence…

  • Populism and education through the lens of gender and sexuality

    A call for abstracts for a co-edited special issue, ‘Interrogating education: critical thinking in the time of populist politics’, of the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ). In recent times there has been a steady rise in populist politics globally, a phenomenon The Guardian has called ‘the new populism’. The full proposal and call for papers…

  • Campagnes anti-genre en Europe

    CAMPAGNES ANTI-GENRE EN EUROPE. Des mobilisations contre l’égalité sous la direction de Roman Kuhar & David Paternotte 2018 ISBN : 978-2-7297-0942-6 collection « Sexualités » (Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe. Mobilizing against Equality. Edited by Roman Kuhar and David Paternotte. Publication Date: Aug 2017) Après plusieurs décennies de progrès constant, l’Europe fait face à une nouvelle…

  • Gender Equality and Beyond

    Social Inclusion has just released its newest issue: “Gender Equality and Beyond: At the Crossroads of Neoliberalism, Anti-Gender Movements, “European” Values, and Normative Reiterations in the Nordic Model” The issue is fully open access: all articles are free for you and others to read, download, and share. Gender Equality and Beyond: At the Crossroads of…

  • Research impact outside of academia

    Is being interviewed by a local (even national) newspaper (or invited from a prestigious university to do a seminar) good for impact? No, at least not unless it leads to something else, as Prof. Gauntlett clearly explained in an article published in 2014 but still useful for those involved in projects where demonstrating the impact…

  • How To Increase Women’s Participation In Science?

    On September 25th, a conference in Brussels has discussed women´s participation in science and research and the main challenges facing female scientists. The conference brought together scientists, policy makers and experts to discuss conditions for women in science and the key factors behind the low representation of women in leading positions and within some scientific…

  • Più donne nei CDA e nelle posizioni apicali

    Un percorso formativo per migliorare le competenze utili ad accrescere l’accesso delle donne ai ruoli di responsabilità e nei Consigli di Amministrazione in Società pubbliche e private. È l’obiettivo della terza edizione del ciclo di incontri “Più donne nei CDA e nelle posizioni apicali”, proposta dal tavolo di lavoro “Più donne nei Consigli di Amministrazione…

  • Colporteuse… une épistémologie féministe

    Geneviève Fraisse, Philosophe et historienne de la pensée féministe, Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS (section 35 philosophie), interviendra  le 28 septembre à 9h30 en salle 31.2.85 au CNAM. Le titre de son intervention: “Colporteuse, ou l’épreuve de l’histoire; une épistémologie féministe” Le séminaire est ouvert aux personnes extérieures au CNAM. Merci en revanche de…

  • The System, solidarity, and retaining your own voice

    An interesting post by a woman researcher: “Whereas previously, I had felt silenced, understanding the mechanics of the university (for example, reading policy documents), I was able to translate my personal grievances into political action. By understanding ‘the system’, I could voice my anger and object to practices that perpetuate gender violence. I also found…

  • Gender and the Politics of Shame

    A special issue of Hypatia on ‘Gender and the Politics of Shame’ is  currently available with full access online. Just follow the link here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/15272001/2018/33/3 The issue has been edited by Dr. Clara Fischer, MSCA Fellow at the University College Dublin (UCD) Centre for Gender, Feminisms, and Sexualities, School of Social Policy, Social Work, and…

  • 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education

    Dublin will host the 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Trinity College, 20th – 22nd August 2018. This is the first occasion that this major biennial conference will be held in Ireland. These European conferences have since 1998 brought together hundreds of gender equality practitioners, researchers and administrators from Europe and beyond.…

  • Se former “entre les langues”

    40e congrès de l’APLIUT Association des Professeurs de Langues des Instituts Universitaires de Technologie Toulouse IUT Paul Sabatier et LAIRDIL L’internationalisation des formations et l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues Du 31 mai au 2 juin 2018 Atelier 22 Hanane BOUTENBAT & Rita BENCIVENGA Université Paris 8 Modératrice : Corinne Landure Samedi 2 juin 10.15 – 11.00 Se…

  • Genere e ricerca nelle Università Italiane

    Il Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca ha presentato le “Indicazioni per azioni positive del MIUR sui temi di genere nell’Università e nella Ricerca”. Dal bilanciamento delle presenze femminili e maschili nei ruoli apicali e nella ricerca, alla valorizzazione del genere come contenuto e indice delle ricerche scientifiche, all’introduzione nelle università del bilancio di genere…

  • Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organisations

    ‘Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organisations’ ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2015-2018 will be running a FINAL 2-DAY EVENT Thursday, 31st of May – Friday, 1st of June 2018 Middlesex University, London The seminar is FREE TO ATTEND. Limited travel bursaries are available for PhD students (please email Maria Adamson m.adamson(at)mdx.ac.uk) DAY 1: Gendered Inclusion in ‘traditional’…

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