Tag: Conference

  • 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances

    Una conferenza dove scambiare conoscenze ed esperienze sui temi dell’istruzione superiore

  • GEP: prospettive teoriche a supporto della pratica

    A Milano Bicocca fra pochi giorni si inaugura la undicesima European Feminist Research Conference. Parteciperò a una tavola rotonda in cui discuteremo di Gender Equality Plan, perché fra pochi mesi cominceremo a fare il bilancio del primo anno (o dei primi mesi) di attuazione delle varie azioni, e capire cosa ha facilitato o rallentato il…

  • From ‘Digital Humanities’ to a Humanities of the Digital

    The conference will analyze this special focus through an interdisciplinary lens, addressing the theme through keynote speakers, garden sessions, workshops, and parallel sessions: • The ‘digital’ as a social imaginary: exploring historical continuities and ruptures in social and cultural practices in the era of digital cultures. • The digital within the humanities: new methods and…

  • ATGENDER Spring Conference

    Final program of the ATGENDER Spring Conference: “A new agenda for gender equality policies”, June 25-27, 2014, Barcelona (English & Catalan) This time, under the title «A new agenda for gender equality policies», the conference calls for focus in the political field, because today more than ever, we need to forge links to progress in gender equality policies throughout…

  • Call for presentations

    Interruptions: Sciences, Feminisms, Knowledges The conference engages feminist and STS perspectives in the questions raised by the encounters between, among, in, through, and of sciences and feminisms. 18-19 April 2014, UC Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS) cfp_interruptions

  • Kate Millet: call for papers

    An Interdisciplinary Conference on Kate Millett 30 May 2014. School of Arts Birkbeck, University of London Millett became an iconic figure of second wave feminism after the publication of Sexual Politics in 1970. As one of the first pieces of academic feminism to come out of the American academy, Sexual Politics was a handbook of the Women’s Liberation Movement.…

  • Call for abstracts

    Gendering Cities, , designing Sustainable Urban Environments for All, aims at advancing a better understanding of the gender dimensions of environmentally related topics within the Grand Challenges included in the new European Research Framework Program Horizon 2020. The conference will be held in Rome, Late September / October 2014. Deadline for sending the abstracts: March 15th 2014.…

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